AI Technoloy
사업명 | 민간지능정보 서비스 확산사업 | AI바우처 지원사업 | 연구소기업 역량 강화 사업 | 공공연구성과기반 BIG선도모델사업 | 2023년 창업성장기술개발사업 (디딤돌_지역창업허브연계) |
사업기간 | 2021. 5 – 2022.11 | 2022. 4 – 2022.10 | 2022. 4 – 2023.12 | 2021. 1 – 2024.12 | 2023. 9 – 2024.7 |
계약금액 | 239백만원 | 190백만원 | 737백만원 (23년 449백만원) | 5,363백만원 (23년 1,163 24년 1,400백만원) | 135백만원 |
발주처 | 정보통신산업진흥원 | 정보통신산업진흥원 | 연구개발트구진흥재단 | 과학기술사업화진흥원 | 중소기업기술정보진흥원 |
AI platform and MLOps based AI education service
- Implementation, operation, and demonstration of In2WiseR-based fine dust prediction solution (KISTI, IT EXPO BUSAN 2022, ‘22.9)
- AI education service contract (Kookmin University, ‘23.2, 30 hours
- AI education SW donation and pilot training: Polytechnic University(Gwangju campus), 10 copies, ‘23.5
Develop and build the leakage current/traffic speed prediction AI solution in industrial complex (Namdong Industrial Complex, Incheon) (~’22.9 ~ 12)
- Developed an artificial intelligence solution that predicts leakage current values using data measured from electrical anomaly monitoring sensors installed at Namdong Industrial Complex in Incheon, and links and operates it in an integrated system.
- Using traffic speed data collected from 363 traffic links within Incheon Namdong Industrial Complex, traffic speed is predicted every 5 minutes and linked and operated in an integrated system.
Develop and build an AI solution that predicts fires and the spread of hazardous substances in industrial complexes (Namdong Industrial Complex, Incheon) (~’22.9 ~ 12)
- In the event of a fire, the spread route and scope are predicted using artificial intelligence through topography and weather information, and linked and operated in an integrated system.
- In the event of a leak of three types of hazardous substances (hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid), the diffusion route is predicted using topography and weather information using artificial intelligence.
- The prediction is a 32*32 matrix, indicating the presence or absence of spread at each stage as 0 or 1.
Image generation artificial intelligence solution
- AI digital photo zone service at Yuseong Chrysanthemum Exhibition: Yuseong-gu Office contract (‘23.9~11)
- AI Persona Service at Gochang Dolmen Museum Special Exhibition: Contract with Open Planning
Waterworks remote meter reading AI solution: On-site application to Daejeon City Waterworks Headquarters (‘21.5~’22.11)
- Demonstration of artificial intelligence technology that detects water leaks and predicts abnormalities in people living alone using water usage meter reading data
- As a result of water supply diagnosis, an actual water leak diagnosis case occurred.
- During the verification period, approximately 400 cases of abnormalities were diagnosed in people living alone.
Commercialization of fire detection AI solution (In2WiseS Fire): Product supplied to LDT Co., Ltd. (Oct., 2022)
- Developed a fire detection AI model, linked and verified fire safety commercial service with actual data (October 2022), and commercialized it.
- 6 actual fires in traditional markets ('20~'22), actual fire test data ('21, March), normal and non-fire situation data from 250 fire detectors ('22. March~May), etc. A total of 2.3 million cases secured